Thursday, December 30, 2010

outlook for municipal bonds 2011

outlook for municipal bonds 2011 : The outlook for fixed income in the U.S. and internationally will depend, in part, on how Europe copes with its ongoing debt crisis, and how states work through pension obligations and state and local tax shortages due to the financial crisis.

Outlook 2011, Global and U.S. Bonds: Europe Debt Woes May Affect U.S., Says T. Rowe Price's Levenson
Levinson had some concern about this scenario: If “attacks on peripheral [European] banks show up as paper losses in core of Europe,” they could amount to “paper losses in U.S. money market funds.” This, in turn, could take us “back to forced selling [as we had in] ’08.” This could unfold like this: Investors “can't sell European banks, [if they’ve] fallen too far, so [institutions would need to] sell U.S. banks.” If the “non-PIGS countries [the PIGS are Portugal, Ireland, Greece and Spain] have funding difficulties—that could be a problem in the U.S. Read More...

Outlook 2011: Four Forecasts For Active ETFs
It’s hard to predict how “the cookie will crumble” for Active ETFs, especially because so many determining factors are up in the air. But here are four forecasts for 2011 nonetheless. Read More...

Munis to Cause Insurer Problems in 2011
You are going to see [insurers] book values fall because they are heavily invested in municipal bonds," said Paul Newsome, managing director at Sandler O'Neill. "Travelers(TRV) and Chubb(CB) are some of the insurers that have large positions Read More...

the 2011 fund outlook Year-end planning
Now that a major uncertainty in the 2011 economic outlook—income tax rates for individual taxpayers—is resolved, you are better able to focus your year-end financial planning on the prospects for the stock, bond, and money markets—and on how your mutual funds are invested in them. Read More...
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